Adventure pedagogy,
Adventure pedagogy is a form of experiential learning with elements of excitement and challenge, which together with reflection helps the understanding of group and individual behavior. Experience-based and adventure-based learning are often used synonymously when talking about learning through one's own experiences.
Adventure pedagogics brings out one's inner motivation. Inner motivation is, opposite to outer motivation, doing something because it is fun, challenging, our because you feel that you learn something important from what you're undertaking. Outer motivation is on the other hand doing something because of an incentive such as a reward, money, or something else material. As such, at us you will not compete with others and you will not recieve a prize or judgement. But our capable guides will help you bring out your motivation if you get stuck in negative thoughts.
For groups, this is about cooperative training where tasks are structured in such a way that every group member is dependant on others to achieve results.
A person that has had great influence on adventure pedagogics is Kurt Hahn (1886-1974).
Kurt Hahn was tasked by the english navy, who had discovered something peculiar. Those who had survived at sea during the war was the older, physically weaker sailors. The younger, healthier and stronger sailors had drowned. Kurt Hahn's studies showed that the younger sailors was missing faith in their group and themselves. When they fell into water they trusted that someone else or life boats would save them. As such it was the mental approach that separated them, the younger gave into panic, lost control and was unable to cooperate.
Hahn developed methods for building mental strength, self knowledge, and cooperation, which are the corner stones of what is today called adventure pedagogics. His program was later developed into Outward Bound Schools. The program was named after a nautical term that sailors used when ships left safe port for the dangers of the open sea.